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Prosperity Lifestyle Model
DAY-1.1-Overview CONCEPTS (6:59)
DAY-1.2- What is prosperity, mindset etc (24:58)
DAY-1.3- Current Status of Society (11:20)
DAY-1.4- Research Work (11:26)
DAY-1.5- Goal Setting Exercise (20:15)
Day 2
DAY-2.1 CONCEPTS Skills Need to Be Successful (15:09)
DAY-2.2- Breakthru Concept 1 (2 Stories) - AWARENESS (13:38)
DAY-2.3- Breakthru Concept 2 (2 Stories) -PLAN CREATION (18:16)
DAY-2.4- Breakthru Plan Implementation Strategies (5:52)
DAY-2.5- Practical Steps To Take Before Next Day (2:40)
Day 3
DAY-3.1 CONCEPTS Journey to Achieve Desired Goal (4:04)
DAY-3.2- Breakthru Concept 4 (2 Stories)-ACCOUNTABILITY (16:00)
DAY-3.3- Breakthru Concept 5 (2 Stories)-DAILY ACTION (4:55)
DAY-3.4- Breakthru Concept 6 (2 Stories)-RESULTS TRACKING (4:28)
DAY-3.5- SalesPitch-Level 2-30 Day Prosperity Action Challenge (16:13)
DAY-2.5- Practical Steps To Take Before Next Day
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